
Showing posts from June, 2020

Veterinary Anatomy of Domestic Animals: Textbook and Colour Atlas, 7th Edition

Veterinary  Anatomy of Domestic Animals: Textbook and Colour Atlas, 7th Edition by Horst Erich König, Hans-Georg Liebich February 2020 The days of cramming  of cramming dry anatomical facts are over. It's time to look at anatomy as an opportunity to appreciate a fascinating world of relationships and interconnections. Featuring: The complete spectrum of systematic and topographic anatomy: clearly structured and vividly presented, featuring superb high-quality images A combined text and atlas: takes into account a variety of species, an ideal resource for developing a comprehensive understanding of anatomical structures and relationships Integrated sectional anatomy and contemporary diagnostic imaging: a window into the application of anatomy in diagnostics Highlights you won't want to miss: A new chapter on avian anatomy: the fundamental structural features of birds, at a glance Over 1100 exceptional images: anatomical specimens and histological images, thin slice plastinations...

Cunningham’s Textbook of Veterinary Physiology, 6th Edition

Cunningham’s Textbook of Veterinary Physiology, 6th Edition by Bradley Klein March 2019 Learn how to understand normal body functions before learning about the mechanisms of veterinary disease. Cunningham's Textbook of Veterinary Physiology, 6th Edition approaches this vast subject in a practical, user-friendly way that helps you grasp key concepts and learn how they relate to clinical practice. From cell physiology to body system function to homeostasis and immune function, this comprehensive text provides the solid foundation needed before advancing in the veterinary curriculum. Download Links MEGA Download Free veterinary ebooks , Free veterinary books , veterinary medicine , كتب بيطرية , تحميل   كتب طب بيطري, vet, vetbooks, Animal, veterinary library, veterinary science, veterinary books pdf free,  veterinary videos, vetbooks, vet-ebooks, veterinary discussion, vetway, veterinary electronic library, Booksvets

Medicine of Australian Mammals

Medicine of Australian Mammals by Larry Vogelnest, Rupert Woods August 2008 Presents the most up-to-date information available on the medical management of all taxa of Australian native mammals. In Medicine of Australian Mammals, more than 30 experts present the most current information available on the medical management of all taxa of Australian native mammals. This comprehensive text is divided into two parts. The first includes chapters on general topics relevant to the medical management of captive and free-ranging Australian native mammals such as: veterinary considerations for the rescue, treatment, rehabilitation and release of wildlife; veterinary aspects of hand-rearing orphaned marsupials; marine mammal strandings and the role of the veterinarian; and wildlife health investigation and necropsy of Australian mammals. The second part covers the medicine of specific taxa of Australian native mammals. Detailed information on taxonomy, distribution, biology, anatomy, physiology,...

Atlas of Surgical Approaches for Soft Tissue and Oncologic Diseases in the Dog and Cat

Atlas of Surgical Approaches for Soft Tissue and Oncologic Diseases in the Dog and Cat by Marije Risselada June 2020 This book offers practical guidance to making approaches for surgery to treat soft tissue and oncologic conditions in canine and feline patients. Every approach is outlined with step-by-step descriptions on how to handle the incision and covers indications and patient positioning. Detailed, high-quality medical illustrations are also included for each, and topics are logically laid out with images on the left and text on the right. Atlas of Surgical Approaches to Soft Tissue and Oncologic Diseases in the Dog and Cat starts with a chapter on oromaxillofacial approaches, followed by chapters covering the cervical area and ear, forelimb, hindlimb, thorax, and abdomen. The book finishes with complete coverage of the approaches to the perineal area and pelvic canal and digits and tail, making it an excellent guide for surgeons to plan and execute their approach to soft tissu...

Career Choices For Veterinary Technicians: Opportunities for Animal Lovers

Career Choices For Veterinary Technicians: Opportunities for Animal Lovers by Carin A. Smith, Rebecca Rose July 2013 Explore the wide range of career opportunities available within the field of veterinary technology with this comprehensive guide, now fully revised. In-depth career descriptions include daily responsibilities, salaries, required qualifications, and invaluable career advice from those working in the field. Whether you are seeking a new focus for your established career within or outside a veterinary hospital or a traditional or unconventional career path for your future in veterinary technology, this book is filled with ideas to broaden your perspective on what is possible in the field of veterinary technology. Download Links MEGA Download Free veterinary ebooks , Free veterinary books , veterinary medicine , كتب بيطرية , تحميل   كتب طب بيطري, vet, vetbooks, Animal, veterinary library, veterinary science, veterinary books pdf free,  veterinary videos, vetbooks, vet-ebooks...

Coccidiosis in Livestock, Poultry, Companion Animals, and Humans

Coccidiosis in Livestock, Poultry, Companion Animals, and Humans by J. P. Dubey November 2019 Coccidiosis is one of the most important diseases of livestock, particularly poultry, with billions of dollars spent on prevention worldwide. The disease is so important and pervasive that until recently, all poultry feed was medicated with coccidiostats, mainly antibiotics. With the rapid development of drug resistance, the search is on for alternative methods of control of coccidiosis in poultry. With chapters authored by internationally renowned scientists, this book covers coccidiosis in all major livestock species, including cattle, sheep, and goats. Special emphasis is given to poultry coccidiosis given the significant economic impact, and another chapter looks at intestinal coccidiosis in humans, including Cyclospora. Chapters discuss techniques, molecular biology, host-pathogen immunobiology and immunoprophylaxis, genetics and genomics, biology, and chemotherapy. Despite an explosion o...

Small Cattle for Small Farms, 2nd Edition

Small Cattle for Small Farms, 2nd Edition by Margo Hayes January 2016 Provides practical and easy-to-understand information for people interested in keeping small cattle for a range of reasons. Small cattle breeds are manageable to control and care for and perfect for lifestyle blocks and small farms. They can be bred commercially for beef but their docile temperaments and small size also make them especially suitable for hobby farms. As more people have turned to the country for a ‘tree change’, interest in these breeds has grown tremendously. In this new edition of her popular book Small Cattle for Small Farms, award-winning cattle breeder Margo Hayes provides practical and easy-to-understand information for people interested in keeping small cattle for a range of reasons. The book assumes no prior experience with cattle and covers all the basics to help you set up an enjoyable and viable small farm, including: types of cattle and production systems available, how to select your stoc...

Feline Dermatology

Feline Dermatology by Chiara Noli, Silvia Colombo June 2020 This richly-illustrated handbook covers all aspects of modern feline dermatology, from the approach to different signs and symptoms to the description of the etiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestation, diagnosis and current treatment of each feline dermatological disease. Thus this manual serves as essential practical guide to the busy practitioner to quickly and surely tackle cats with dermatological conditions, and offers a current and complete reference tool for the feline veterinarian and the veterinary dermatologist. Numerous illustrated step-by-step tutorials In-depth descriptions of the most common skin diseases in cats Structured following a problem-oriented approach for quick-reference Download Links MEGA Download Free veterinary ebooks , Free veterinary books , veterinary medicine , كتب بيطرية , تحميل   كتب طب بيطري, vet, vetbooks, Animal, veterinary library, veterinary science, veterinary books pdf free,  veteri...

BSAVA / VPIS Guide to Common Canine and Feline Poisons

BSAVA / VPIS Guide to Common Canine and Feline Poisons , by BSAVA / VPIS January 2012 This book presents thumbnail sketches of pertinent information relating to poisoning of small animal pets by commonly encountered substances, plants and other items. For each agent, information is given on toxicology, clinical effects, appropriate first aid and subsequent management and prognosis. This is to enable veterinary surgeons and their staff to give appropriate guidance over the telephone or in person, to clients that suspect their animals may have been poisoned. A ‘traffic light’ system indicates the level of concern and urgency. Download Links MEGA Download Free veterinary ebooks , Free veterinary books , veterinary medicine , كتب بيطرية , تحميل   كتب طب بيطري, vet, vetbooks, Animal, veterinary library, veterinary science, veterinary books pdf free,  veterinary videos, vetbooks, vet-ebooks, veterinary discussion, vetway, veterinary electronic library, Booksvets

The Merck Veterinary Manual, 11th Edition

The Merck Veterinary Manual, 11th Edition by Susan E. Aiello, Michael A. Moses July 2016 The Merck Veterinary Manual (MVM) covers all domesticated species and diseases in veterinary medicine worldwide. This completely revised and redesigned new edition of the veterinary classic uses a two-column format and color throughout for easy-to-read text and tables. Hundreds of color images enhance and illustrate the text. In addition to extensive revisions and updates, this edition includes a new section on public health and zoonoses, expanded coverage of fish and aquaculture, new chapters on backyard poultry, toxicologic workplace hazards, smoke inhalation, and additional coverage of numerous new and emerging topics in veterinary medicine. Download Links MEGA 8th Edition MEGA Download Free veterinary ebooks , Free veterinary books , veterinary medicine , كتب بيطرية , تحميل   كتب طب بيطري, vet, vetbooks, Animal, veterinary library, veterinary science, veterinary books pdf free,  veterinary vide...

Feline Soft Tissue and General Surgery

Feline Soft Tissue and General Surgery by Sorrel J Langley-Hobbs, Jackie Demetriou, Jane Ladlow December 2013 While the practice of feline general and oncologic surgery has developed greatly in recent years, the option of referral for some cat owners is not always a viable one. The increasing requirement for the general veterinarian to be competent in performing feline surgery has not, however, been supported by a dedicated text on the subject.  Feline General and Oncological Surgery  assembles an international team of editors and contributors to present the first comprehensive resource devoted solely to all aspects of soft-tissue surgeries in the cat. Techniques are covered in a practical and detailed ‘how to’ manner and range from the common to the more specialized, ensuring the widest possible appeal. The book divides into several sections, initially considering the general approach to the feline surgery patient and then proceeding to detailed coverage of surgery by anatomic locatio...

Suturing Principles and Techniques in Laboratory Animal Surgery

Suturing Principles and Techniques in Laboratory Animal Surgery by John J. Bogdanske, Scott Hubbard-Van Stelle, Margaret Rankin Riley, Beth M. Schiffman June 2013 Suturing Principles and Techniques in Laboratory Animal Surgery: Manual and DVD introduces the basic principles of, and the materials and instruments required for, suturing and wound closure on animals in a research or veterinary facility. The manual provides descriptions and pictures portraying proper tissue handling and aseptic technique during wound closure, the correct hand placement and use of instruments, and the needle placement on the needle holder. The manual also provides in-depth coverage of various suture patterns and associated principles for proper knot tying, including step-by-step descriptions and handouts for each suture pattern. The DVD provides descriptive narrative and step-by-step video demonstrations for each of the suturing techniques while portraying proper tissue handling and aseptic technique. Each s...

The Veterinary ICU Book

The Veterinary ICU Book by Wayne Wingfield, Marc Raffe September 2002 This book is dedicated to the fundamental clinical signs of astute observation, careful differential diagnosis and analytical therapeutic decision making in emergency veterinary settings. It clearly defines the physiological and clinical principles that are fundamental to the management of the critically ill small animal patient. This practical presentation includes clear guidelines for organizing, equipping and staffing an emergency/Critical Care unit and discusses ethical and legal concerns in Emergency/Critical Care medicine. With liberal use of algorithms, diagnostic imaging and original line art, The Veterinary ICU Book is the product of 80 expert contributing authors who have created a concise, clinically specific resource for the specialist, residents in training, veterinary practitioners, technicians and students. Download Links MEGA Download Free veterinary ebooks , Free veterinary books , veterinary medicin...

Harper’s Illustrated Biochemistry, 31st Edition

Harper’s Illustrated Biochemistry, 31st Edition by Victor W. Rodwell, David Bender, Kathleen M. Botham, Peter J. Kennelly, P. Anthony Weil May 2018 Gain a full understanding of the principles of biochemistry as it relates to clinical medicine The Thirty-First Edition of Harper’s Illustrated Biochemistry continues to emphasize the link between biochemistry and the understanding of disease states, disease pathology, and the practice of medicine. Featuring a full-color presentation and numerous medically relevant examples, Harper’s presents a clear, succinct review of the fundamentals of biochemistry that every student must understand in order to succeed in medical school. All 58 chapters help you understand the medical relevance of biochemistry: • Full-color presentation includes more than 600 illustrations • Case studies emphasize the clinical relevance of biochemistry  • NEW CHAPTER on Biochemistry of Transition Metals addresses the importance and overall pervasiveness of  transition m...

Veterinary Surgery: A Practical Guide

Veterinary Surgery: A Practical Guide by P. B. Patel, A. M. Patel January 2016 Veterinary Surgery- A practical guide is basically prepared as per new VCI syllabus for students and field veterinarians. It comprised three units (I. General Veterinary Surgery, Anesthesiology and Diagnostic Imaging. II. Regional Veterinary Surgery. III. Veterinary Orthopedics and Lameness). This book contains more than 80 illustrations include different surgical instrument, suturing techniques, anesthetic sites for nerve block and surgical sites for abdominal surgery. This book is very useful for day to day practice for veterinarians. Download Links MEGA Download Free veterinary ebooks , Free veterinary books , veterinary medicine , كتب بيطرية , تحميل   كتب طب بيطري, vet, vetbooks, Animal, veterinary library, veterinary science, veterinary books pdf free,  veterinary videos, vetbooks, vet-ebooks, veterinary discussion, vetway, veterinary electronic library, Booksvets

Laboratory Models for Foodborne Infections (Food Microbiology)

Laboratory Models for Foodborne Infections (Food Microbiology) by Dongyou Liu March 2017 Resulting from ingestion of inappropriately prepared or stored foods containing pathogenic viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites, foodborne infections have become a significant source of human morbidity and mortality worldwide in recent decades. This may be largely attributable to the remarkable popularity of convenient, ready-to-eat food products, the dramatic expansion of international food trades, and the continuing growth of immuno-suppressed population groups. Although anti-microbial treatments have played a crucial part in the control of foodborne infections in the past, the emergence and spread of anti-microbial resistance render the existing treatments ineffective. Additionally, our limited understanding of the molecular mechanisms of foodborne infections has thwarted our efforts in the development of efficacious vaccines for foodborne pathogens. Given the obvious benefits of laboratory mo...