
Showing posts from July, 2020

Equine Wound Management, 3rd Edition

  Equine Wound Management, 3rd Edition by Christine L. Theoret, Jim Schumacher October 2016 Now in its third edition, Equine Wound Management is the authoritative resource for both theoretical and practical information on the care of wounds in horses. The most comprehensive resource on managing equine wounds Organized by body region Over 750 color photographs Summaries at the beginning of each chapter and highlighted key information aid readers to rapidly find relevant information Companion website offers videos, interactive multiple choice questions and answers, case studies, and images from the book for download Download Links Mediafire Mega Download Free veterinary ebooks , Free veterinary books , veterinary medicine , كتب بيطرية , تحميل   كتب طب بيطري, vet, vetbooks, Animal, veterinary library, veterinary science, veterinary books pdf free,  veterinary videos, vetbooks, vet-ebooks, veterinary discussion, vetway, veterinary electronic library, Booksvets

Microbiology for Food and Health : Technological Developments and Advances

Microbiology for Food and Health : Technological Developments and Advances by Deepak Kumar Verma, Ami R. Patel January 2020 This book , Microbiology for Food and Health: Technological Developments and Advances, highlights the innovative microbiological approaches and advances made in the field of microbial food industries. The volume covers the most recent progress in the field of dairy and food microbiology, emphasizing the current progress, actual challenges, and successes of the latest technologies. This book looks at technological advances in starter cultures, prospective applications of food-grade microorganisms for food preservation and food safety, and innovative microbiological approaches and technologies in the food industry. Download Links MEGA Download Free veterinary ebooks , Free veterinary books , veterinary medicine , كتب بيطرية , تحميل   كتب طب بيطري, vet, vetbooks, Animal, veterinary library, veterinary science, veterinary books pdf free,  veterinary videos, vetbooks, ...

Veterinary Neuroanatomy and Clinical Neurology, 4th Edition

Veterinary Neuroanatomy and Clinical Neurology, 4th Edition by Alexander de Lahunta, Eric Glass, Marc Kent December 2014 Covering the anatomy, physiology, and pathology of the nervous system,  Veterinary Neuroanatomy and Clinical Neurology, 4th Edition  helps you diagnose the location of neurologic lesions in small animals, horses, and food animals. Practical guidelines explain how to perform neurologic examinations, interpret examination results, and formulate effective treatment plans. Descriptions of neurologic disorders are accompanied by illustrations, radiographs, and clinical case examples with corresponding online video clips depicting the actual patient described in the text. Written by veterinary neuroanatomy and clinical neurology experts Alexander de Lahunta, Eric Glass, and Marc Kent, this resource is an essential tool in the diagnosis and treatment of neurologic disorders in the clinical setting. Download Links Uploadboy Download Free veterinary ebooks , Free veterinary b...

Medical Terminology: Learning Through Practice

Medical Terminology: Learning Through Practice by Paula Bostwick January 2019 Medical Terminology: Learning Through Practice is designed to direct your study of medical terminology by guiding you through an organized approach to step-by-step learning. Author Paula Bostwick has invested her time, research, and talents to help you succeed in learning medical terminology. Download Links Mega Download Free veterinary ebooks , Free veterinary books , veterinary medicine , كتب بيطرية , تحميل   كتب طب بيطري, vet, vetbooks, Animal, veterinary library, veterinary science, veterinary books pdf free,  veterinary videos, vetbooks, vet-ebooks, veterinary discussion, vetway, veterinary electronic library, Booksvets

Small Animal Euthanasia, An Issue of Veterinary Clinics of North America: Small Animal Practice

Small Animal Euthanasia, An Issue of Veterinary Clinics of North America: Small Animal Practice by Beth Marchitelli, Tami Shearer May 2021 This issue of Veterinary Clinics: Small Animal Practice, guest edited by Drs. Beth Marchitelli and Tami Shearer, focuses on Small Animal Euthanasia: Updates on Clinical Practice. This is one of six issues each year. Articles in this issue include, but are not limited to: historical perspective of euthanasia in veterinary medicine, the science of transitional states of consciousness and euthanasia, the physiology of death, pharmacological methods: an update on optimal pre-sedation and euthanasia solution administration, common and alternative routes of euthanasia solution administration, standardization of data collection to document adverse events associated with euthanasia, factors contributing to the decision to euthanize: diagnoses, clinical signs and triggers, euthanasia decision making: a collaboration between pet owners and veterinary profess...

Essential Calculations for Veterinary Nurses and Technicians, 3rd Edition

Essential Calculations for Veterinary Nurses and Technicians, 3rd Edition by Terry Lake, Nicola Green September 2016 Learn to easily master the types of veterinary nursing calculations you will face on the job with Essential Calculations for Veterinary Nurses and Technicians, 3rd Edition. From basic arithmetic to dilutions and statistics, this useful text covers all aspects of calculations as applied to veterinary nursing. Readers will benefit from the text’s common sense approach to clinical situations, and complete the book knowing how to use calculations to determine dosage rates, anesthetic flow rates, radiography exposure rates, parenteral nutrition, and more. User-friendly features include simple language, detailed explanations, ample examples, and special author guidance so that content is easy to follow and understand. Plus, the text’s abundance of learning features ― such as self-assessment questions, clinical hints, and tips ― help clarify important concepts and ensure that ...

Goat Production and Supply Chain Management in the Tropics

Goat Production and Supply Chain Management in the Tropics by Pramod Kumar Rout, Ashok Kumar, Basanta Kumara Behera December 2019 This book is a practical manual for goat production systems covering: breeding and selection, feeding based on available crops and resources, and targeted preventative health care for increased productivity and income. It outlines best practice and strategies for setting up a farm, overcoming challenges, increasing milk and meat quality, obtaining sustainability, reducing environmental pollution, optimising climatic conditions and tapping into local know-how. In addition, the book details developing region-specific data for effective decision making and better management, as well as how to run a development al project to empower stake holders for higher production, support innovation, and analyse the supply chain for better product quality and marketing. Download Links Mega Download Free veterinary ebooks , Free veterinary books , veterinary medicine , كتب ب...

Small Animal Infectious Disease An Issue of Veterinary Clinics of North America: Small Animal Practice

Small Animal Infectious Disease An Issue of Veterinary Clinics of North America: Small Animal Practice by Annette L. Litster July 2019 This issue of Veterinary Clinics: Small Animal Practice, edited by Dr. Annette Litster, is devoted to Small Animal Infectious Disease. Topics in this issue include: The dynamic nature of infectious disease risk in the 21st century: How dog transport impacts prevalence patterns; Dog transport and infectious disease risk: an international perspective; Effect of dog transport on high-risk infectious diseases (e.g. TVT, rabies etc.); H3N8 and H3N2; Feline panleukopenia: a re-emergent disease; Canine Lyme disease immunology; Canine leptospirosis diagnostics; Canine ehrlichiosis in the USA; Cutaneous and Renal Glomerular Vasculopathy (CRGV; Alabama Rot); Vector borne disease panel diagnostics; Feline vector-borne diseases; Canine brucellosis; and Current preventative strategies for rabies. Download Links Mega Download Free veterinary ebooks , Free veterinary ...

Guide to Venomous and Medically Important Invertebrates

Guide to Venomous and Medically Important Invertebrates by David Bowles, James Swaby, Harold Harlan November 2018 An illustrated guide to aid identification, provide protection measures and guidance on treatment. Though many are harmless and even beneficial, invertebrates are some of the world’s most feared and dangerous creatures. Guide to Venomous and Medically Important Invertebrates describes the health threats posed by invertebrate groups worldwide, from physical pain and annoyance to disease transmission risk. Featuring clear photographs, distribution maps and descriptions of biological, physical and behavioural characteristics of key groups, this book aids identification of potentially harmful invertebrates. It also summarises personal protection measures to reduce the risk of attack and disease, and provides guidance on treatment. This book will help to protect the health of travellers and serve as a reference for medical personnel working in high-risk areas, as well as those i...

Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosis

Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosis by Ramesh Nandan June 2017 Most of the common illnesses that affect humans do not affect pets in the same way and vice versa. So if your cat has a minor cold, you aren’t going to catch it from her. The viruses that give animals things like coughs, colds and the flu are different from the ones that cause these illnesses in people and they don’t spread back and forth between humans and animals. There are several serious illnesses that you can catch from your pet. Some of these illnesses will make your pet sick as well, but some will not. Veterinary parasitology is the study of animal parasites, especially relationships between parasites and animal hosts. Parasites of domestic animals, (livestock and pet animals), as well as wildlife animals are considered. Veterinary parasitologists study the genesis and development of parasitoses in animal hosts, as well as the taxonomy and systematics of parasites, including the morphology, life cycles, and living needs ...

Feline Practice: Integrating Medicine and Well-Being (Part I), An Issue of Veterinary Clinics of North America: Small Animal Practice

Feline Practice: Integrating Medicine and Well-Being (Part I), An Issue of Veterinary Clinics of North America: Small Animal Practice by  By Margie Scherk  Jane 2020 This issue of Veterinary Clinics: Small Animal Practice, guest edited by Dr. Margie Scherk, is the first of two issues on Feline Practice: Integrating Medicine and Well-Being. Topics in this issue include, but are not limited to: Analgesia; Feline Chronic Pain and Degenerative Joint Disease; Feline Neuropathic Pain; Inevitability of Feline Aging: Meeting Physical, Psychological, and Psychoemotional Needs; Stress and Feline Health (Idiopathic Cystitis and the Pandora Syndrome); Environment and Feline Health At Home and in the Clinic; Behavior Problem or Problem Behavior?; Behavior as an Illness Indicator; News in FeLV; Understanding FIP - Update on Pathogenesis, Diagnosis, and Treatment; New Tests in Feline Medicine; Dermatophytoses/Nasal Planum Diseases; Ethical Questions in Feline Medicine (Declawing, Housing, Prolonging ...

Veterinary Clinical Pathology: An Introduction

Veterinary Clinical Pathology: An Introduction by Marion L. Jackson January 2007 Unique among current literature as a rich source of clinical case material, this book can be used by veterinary students as a reader-friendly introduction to the subject and as the primary textbook in clinical pathology coursework. With its multitude of cases and images, the book is also a useful resource for faculty members to enhance instruction. Veterinary Clinical Pathology: An Introduction aims to provide the veterinary student with a clear, concise overview of basic mechanisms without being overwhelming. Clinical cases enhance the learning experience. Having evolved from the reading assignments for veterinary medical courses in clinical pathology, this text aids in providing students with a sound knowledge base with which to work. Reader-friendly textbook Features innovative case-based approach Provides clear and concise overview of basic mechanisms Practical text for veterinary students, instructors...

Minimally Invasive Fracture Repair, An Issue of Veterinary Clinics of North America: Small Animal Practice

Minimally Invasive Fracture Repair, An Issue of Veterinary Clinics of North America: Small Animal Practice by KARL C. Maritato, Matthew D Barnhart  January 2020 This issue of Veterinary Clinics: Small Animal Practice guest edited by Drs. Karl Maritato and Matthew Barnhart focuses on Minimally Invasive Fracture Repair. Articles in this issue include but are not limited to: Biomechanics of Fracture Fixation; Challenges in Minimally Invasive Fracture Repair; Minimally Invasive Osteosynthesis Fracture Reduction Techniques; Percutaneous Pinning for Fracture Repair; Minimally Invasive Plate Osteosynthesis Techniques for the Humerus; Minimally Invasive Plate Osteosynthesis Techniques for the Radius and Ulna; Minimally Invasive Osteosynthesis (MIO) Techniques of the Femur; Minimally Invasive Osteosynthesis Techniques for Articular Fractures; Unique Differences of Minimally Invasive Fracture Repair in the Feline; Perioperative Imaging in Minimally Invasive Osteosynthesis; Interlocking Nails for...

Understanding the Dairy Cow, 3rd Edition

Understanding the Dairy Cow, 3rd Edition by John Webster March 2020 A comprehensive and thoroughly revised text on dairy science that contains information on the most recent developments The fully updated third edition of  Understanding the Dairy Cow  explores the scientific principles that provide a foundation for understanding the animal’s body system. The comprehensive text also reveals how to properly manage dairy cattle with economic efficiency whilst taking into consideration the cow’s welfare. The revised new edition contains expanded coverage on topics including insight into cow behaviour and welfare, genetic selection indices, new strategies for control of mastitis and lameness and information on the overworked cow. It also contains the most recent developments in breeding, nutrition and management. Is an authoritative text on the dairy cow that covers a wide-ranging subject area including the science, disease and husbandry Presents the information and knowledge necessary for ...

Basic Veterinary Immunology

Basic Veterinary Immunology by Gerald N. Callahan , Robin M. Yates January 2014 Designed to fill the current gap in resources for teaching veterinary immunology, Basic Veterinary Immunology offers a solid background in the essentials of immunology within the context of veterinary medicine. The book combines a clinical framework complete with real-world examples to integrate the theory and practice of veterinary medicine. Each chapter begins with a clinically relevant veterinary issue and then presents one aspect of basic immunology in the context of that issue. All chapters include learning objectives and a clinical correlation follow-up section that includes student considerations and a review of the possible explanations for the clinical presentation. Illustrated with 250 full-color images and figures that will also be available as PowerPoint teaching aids, Basic Veterinary Immunology and related materials will be made available online to students, faculty, and clinical veterinarians...

Horse Owner's Guide to Toxic Plants: Identifications, Symptoms, and Treatments

Horse Owner's Guide to Toxic Plants: Identifications, Symptoms, and Treatments by Sandra McQuinn, Anthony P. Knight June 2020 Horse Owner’s Guide to Toxic Plants is a must-have, exclusive reference book for all horse owners, and the first of its kind on the subject of equines and plants. Keep this book in the medicine cabinet in the barn. Walk around the pastures with the book in hand, especially in late spring or early summer. Or pack it with on a trail ride. It just might save your horse’s life. Horse Owner’s Guide to Toxic Plants is organized according to types of plants—trees, bushes, shrubs, and vines, ferns and plants, weeds and wildflowers, and grasses and horsetails. Since visuals are very important for correct identification, clear color photographs are shown, including wherever possible a close-up photograph and line drawing to better identify each plant. Horsewoman Sandra McQuinn has researched and compiled information on more than 100 more common but toxic plants that g...

Pascoe’s Principles and Practice of Equine Dermatology, 2nd Edition

Pascoe’s Principles and Practice of Equine Dermatology, 2nd Edition by Birte L. Nielsen April 2020 Professor Knottenbelt’s approach is clear, authoritative and based on many years experience in treating equine dermatological conditions. The book presents over 650 photographs, most of them new and unique to this edition, and the accompanying CD-ROM offers an image library with over 300 extra illustrations. The new edition is designed as a fully practical, highly illustrated guide to skin diseases in the horse. It emphasizes how to obtain an accurate differential diagnosis and arrive at correct decisions for the appropriate treatment of a condition. The book includes the full range of skin diseases and conditions commonly encountered in equine practice. Rarer disorders and those with a limited geographical distribution are also reviewed, and there are separate chapters on diseases of the hoof, skin wounds, neoplastic diseases and the various dermatologic syndromes that are encountered in...