The Goat: A Natural History


The Goat: A Natural History  Infectious 

by Sue Weaver
November 2020

The Goat: A Natural History offers a complete overview of this captivating creature, from the goatish Greek god Pan, to their cognitive capacity and typical milk yields. 

It is no secret that goats are highly intelligent. They are also curious, gentle, independent, very social, and full of character. They hate to get wet and will avoid puddles. Among the first domesticated animals, goats are a common character in western mythology. In ancient Greece, Crete, and Egypt, goats even received divine honours. Goats are increasingly appreciated for their high adaptability to a wide variety of environmental conditions, and will thrive in the warmer, dryer world of the future. This book reveals everything you need to know about the natural history of a fascinating animal.

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